Client Results:
"Having a web site has been very beneficial in my job search. Potential em-ployers who have viewed it have commented on its professional presentation, and I believe it has been a key factor in showcasing my talent at an executive level. As a matter of fact, I have two interviews next week that were a direct result of my web portfolio. Thanks for a job well done!"
-Wayne M., CPA,


Career Management Solutions - 7 Uses
There are seven possible ways to use career web solutions to help you succeed in managing your career through business networking.

  Stage Portfolio Use in Business Networking

When you meet people who are in a position to advance your career during your business networking activity, give them a card with your web address on it.

Leads Leads who you meet during business networking may pull up your site after they meet you.
Phone Calls When you call your business networking leads to secure appointments, you can co-browse your site with them to make a stronger impression.
Appointment Stronger calls will lead to more initial appointments.
Meeting You can use your site to support your initial meeting and proceed to an interview.
Interview Most corporations hiring executives utilize interviews with several members of the management team. Use your site to quickly impress these additional managers with your accomplishments and abilities and win them over.
Offer Be prepared to negotiate from a position of greater strength.
Networking takes time. Only the business networking contacts you make that you can convert into meetings or referrals have value to you in advancing your career. You can follow through more effectively with a career web portfolio.
